Matthew’s Ministry partners with BWC to host first “Give Healthy” Food Drive
Matthew’s Ministry Give Healthy Food Drivebrought in nearly 500 pounds of nutritious food for the children the agencyserves. The food drive is part of a larger campaign the Brunswick WellnessCoalition (BWC) has launched called the Give Healthy campaign. The purposeof the campaign is to increase access to healthy, nutritious food for thosethat are food insecure.
“It was exciting to see how quickly the communityresponded to our request to donate healthier food,” said Matthew’s MinistryDirector Kristie Disbrow. “We hope the drive has left a lasting impression onour donors so we can continue providing nutritious food to the children weserve.”
“This was the first Give Healthy Food Drive of BWC’scampaign and although we received a tremendous amount of healthy items we alsoreceived items that did not meet the nutrition criteria” said BWC’s ExecutiveDirector Lindsay Maher. “This is evidence that we all need more education onwhat food is and is not healthy, which is why BWC exists. BWC can provide freehealth education programming at the request of any community group whether itis a church, worksite or neighborhood.”
Matthew’s Ministry plans to continue promoting BWC’s GiveHealthy Campaign by creating a monthly donation request for a specifichealthy item which will be listed on its website at andin its newsletter. Matthew’s Ministry welcomes newsletter subscribers throughits website.
To host a Give Healthy Food Drive or for moreinformation about BWC’s health education programs, contact BWC’s Executive DirectorLindsay Maher at 910-444-1872 or